Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Pregnancy (abridged version)

I was 150% convinced that the baby was a girl.  NOTHING was the same.  I was so sick up until 18 weeks..... thank goodness C orben took great naps and played well on his own because I layed down and slept a lot.
As soon as the nausea subsided, all of my ligaments began to loosen way too early so I had chronic sharp, shooting pains constantly.  When I moved it was worse.  All day, all night.  Awesome.
So at 20 weeks when we went for our anatomy scan, I just knew it would be a girl. So when we got there, since we had Corben with us, we asked if she would be able to look for the babies "stuff" first since we didn't know how long our 12 month old would last in the room.  She, of course, said she would try but it just depended on how baby was laying, etc.  She put the transducer on my belly and the very first image that popped on the screen was baby's "package"!  I said,"Is that what I think it is?????"  She laughed and confirmed what we were looking at.  We would be getting another little boy.

Since we didn't find out what we were having with Corben, we thought it would be fun to find out the second time.  I am so glad we did because I was already buying girl clothes.... that's how sure I was!
Plus, in hindsight, Hunter gave us enough surprises (more on that to come) so I am glad we knew at least something ahead of time.
Once my third trimester hit, my blood pressure started driving up.  Every appointment was stressful.  I just didn't feel myself.  I was constantly telling my doctor how worried I was.  I was worried he would be too big, was worried about her vacation the week of my due date, just overall worried.  Ha...how's that for mother's instinct?
So as I approached my 37th week, Dr. H knew, as well as I did, that the baby needed to come soon.  We were chasing the inevitable with the pre-eclampsia and it was time.
To be continued on the delivery.....

I don't have a whole lot of pictures from when I was pregnant with Hunter.... but here is one from 8 days before he was born.....gotta love the belly!

1 comment:

  1. You are so lucky, my friend. There are many people I know who cannot have a baby of their own, I do not know the main reason but I am blaming it all to the stress they take each day. They both have their own jobs on a hectic schedule, they have less time to cuddle, and have fun with each other.... You are so blessed, my friend.

    By: TechnoFlake
