Thursday, September 15, 2011

7 months

Corben is 7 months old today! This month has been a month of huge changes and milestones for him. He is crawling now (and the fun begins for us!), passes things back and forth between hands (has done that for awhile), has a little bit of success in feeding himself finger foods, is eating all kinds of yummy solids, has 5 teeth, raises his arms when I go to pick him up, walks like a maniac in his little tot walker thingy, says "dada" and other strings of consonants.....but of course, no "mama" there was a "nana" the other day, maybe that is his attempt at some mama! haha

Here is his chair picture:
Check out those teeth :) This is a good picture to show his always smily and silly personality!

I dropped him off at the church nursery yesterday for the first time while I attended the first day of my fall women's bible study. I was a nervous wreck, as the only people that have ever watched him are my parents and two of my good friends. So to leave him with people I didn't know well and with a bunch of other kids, it was kinda freaky. Of course, he did awesome and was a good boy. When I picked him up, I saw him being rocked by a grandma type lady :) He was sound asleep.
But when they brought him to me, and he was being held by someone much shorter than me (or Steve), I really got a perspective on how big this baby boy is. He really is huge! I see everyday that I dress him that I am putting size 12/18 clothes on him (meaning he is the size of an average 12/18 month old) but it wasn't until seeing someone else hold him that I really could SEE how big he truly is! Haha love my little linebacker!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Never Leaving Again

Being away from my little man for an entire weekend was an interesting experience. The actual being away part was great....the wedding, spending time with friends, vacation, Rhode Island... all wonderful. But I felt like half of me was missing. By the time Steve picked me up from the airport, I was starting to feel like a crazy person and had no interest in making small talk/telling him about my weekend. I just told him, "Get me HOME!"

The garage door opened and I am not 100% sure that he had the car all the way stopped before I was opening the door to get inside to grab my baby boy! (my mom had come over to stay with him while Steve picked me up because it was right around bed time and we didn't want him sleeping that entire time in the car) I was able to give him his night bottle and put him down to bed. This whole week has just been awesome to snuggle and play with my sweet boy.

Steve did great on the solo childcare all weekend. They did their little activities, Corben was fed, slept, and loved. Not much else to ask for! He finally cut his 4th tooth while I was gone. Then, this morning I found his 5th tooth (one of the bottoms) has come through as well! That one was totally painless! ha yay!

Corben is getting better at crawling every day. He can use a combo of rolling and crawling to get around. He is FAST, too. He also chatters all day long. His favorite string of sounds? "dadadadadadadadadadada" Yes that's right, dada. I think he sprouted an inch or two while I was gone because all of a sudden none of his clothes fit and we are in all 12/18 month size stuff. It is crazy how fast this little boy is growing! He is developing the sweetest/silliest little personality. He definitely cracks himself up!

Here are some pictures of the wedding weekend and Corben:

working on crawling!

such a handsome little guy!