Friday, July 29, 2011

Off we go

On Sunday Corben and I are driving out to California for the week. I am sure he will be great in the car and will adjust to everything just as he always does, but I am semi-freaking out! I am nervous about the drive out there, him getting normal naps/nighttime sleep, and just adjusting to not being home. He is such a good boy, so like I said, I'm sure everything will be great!

He is getting so good at pushing up to his hands and knees and even holds it there for a few seconds. It would be nice if he figured out how to roll from his belly to back at some point! I feel like he will crawl and walk (he stands so strongly and is getting better at holding his balance)

Here he is trying out his standing push toy thing. If you adjust the way the panel goes, he can also sit and play with it. He was enjoying standing up playing, though....with a little extra help from mommy of course!

Such a happy boy!

Here he is sitting in his Bumbo. I love the focused look on his face!

Well wish us luck and we will post when we get home :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011


On Wednesday, I had my thyroidectomy to remove my right thyroid and the mass that was attached to it.

Everything went very well. They only needed to remove the right half (once they were in there, a pathologist tested the mass to see if it had any cancer cells...I'd had a biopsy, but this was a more thorough inspection. If it had been cancerous they would have removed the other half of my thyroid as well). I also did not need a drain after surgery.

I stayed the night at Good Sam that night. While I missed my sweet baby boy, it was good to just rest and worry about resting and recovering.

My Aunt Susan was here for the week, so she took care of Corben while Steve and I were at the hospital that day. Thank goodness she was here! We were able to have a ton of fun in the days before my surgery as well, so that was good.

I am feeling really good, just get tired easily...probably from the anesthesia still leaving my system. I am just trying to rest as much as possible. Luckily Corben likes to snuggle in for naps with his mama ;-) The stitches on my neck are really starting to itch, which Steve keeps telling me is a good thing, meaning it is healing together. It's not painful or infected so I'll just take his word for it.

Anyway, that is what has been going on with us. Corben is on the verge of crawling. He can now push up to his knees and elbows. He still doesn't realize that this can take him anywhere, but he'll be on the move soon enough.

This is from Tuesday when we went to Lake Pleasant for the day :)

Sunday, July 17, 2011

5 Months

Big boy Corben is 5 months old now! Here is his chair picture! Man what a difference from when he was one month old....

He is growing way too fast :)

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Gerber Baby

Just for fun I entered Corben into the Gerber Generation photo contest. You can vote for him by clicking on this link.

You don't need to have a facebook account, the link will take you there to vote, though.

All votes are appreciated!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


Last Tuesday Corben FINALLY got his first two teeth through those red and swollen gums! I cannot tell you what a relief this is. It had been a LONG 8 weeks :) I just hope that the rest of his teeth aren't this bad coming through.

Here is a bad picture of his two little pearly whites :)

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy 4th of July!

This weekend we went on our first road trip with Corben. I should have taken a picture of our car all loaded up because it was ridiculous the amount of stuff we took (and needed) for our one night away.

My brother and his girlfriend were visiting Tucson from San Francisco so we drove down and spent one night in Tucson with them. Erik hadn't seen his "Bean" since he was 5 weeks old and it was Annabelle's first time meeting Corben :) We had a great time not really doing anything much at all but just hang out in the hotel basically the whole time.

Corben did AMAZING. He slept in the car the whole way down and back. He took great naps. He slept in his Pack and Play right next to the bed. He was a very pleasant and happy baby the whole trip :) Seriously, how did we get so blessed???

Here are some pictures from the trip!

His special outfit for Uncle Erik "My Uncle Rocks"

He loves his Uncle Erik

His Fourth of July outfit

So sweet!

We love you both :)