Saturday, May 28, 2011

Corben's First Swim

Steve is at a bachelor party in Scottsdale all weekend at the Talking Stick Resort. Today most of the guys were going golfing and because Steve wasn't into golfing, he invited Corben and I up for some pool time.

It was little man's first time in a pool and we were all very excited! After getting to Steve's room and undiapering, sunscreening, and dressing Corben, we headed down to the pool!

As soon as I dipped his feet in the pool, he had a bit of a meltdown, but quickly got over it and let me put him further into the water. He even loved the float I bought him for this summer's pool time.
After the pool, I took him up to the room to get a bath and rinse off. Then we had lunch with Daddy and headed out. We even stopped by Kelsey's house on the way home. What a day...he was exhausted! He had no problems going to sleep tonight, in fact he went to bed about 30 minutes early. :)

And here is a video of him enjoying himself! I apologize for my use of the word "fun"!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011

A week of firsts

Well this week was a week of fun firsts for Mr. Corben. He went to his first movie, first day at the car dealership, and first time to the science museum. I really do not know what I did to deserve such an amazingly good baby, but he is so easy-going!

On Monday, we went on a Mommy/Corben date to see Soul Surfer. Great movie, by the way. I was expecting that Corben would just sleep in my arms the entire time, but he didn't. He stayed awake and watched the entire movie. Didn't make a peep.

He loves to watch tv by the way....which is totally his own doing, I have never set him down in front of the tv. If a tv is on, he will crane his neck and contort himself into weird positions in order to watch what is on the screen. Since noticing his interest in television, I have tried putting on baby friendly channels for him to enjoy. He just cries. Lucky for me, he is fine with Kathie Lee and Hoda and The Doctors!

On Wednesday we spent our morning at the car dealership getting the tranmission mount in Steve's car replaced. 3 hours and about 20 compliments later, I took my happy, pleasant baby home. He and I sang our songs, had a bottle, played with his toys, walked around, and played airplane while there. Corben smiled and giggled the entire fussing. So impressed!
Today, a friend and I wanted to go to Body Worlds at the Arizona Science Center. It was incredible. Corben seemed to enjoy himself a lot more once I took him out of the stroller so that he could look around. I am becoming increasingly aware of and impressed with his attentiveness and alertness. He sure doesn't miss a beat.

That about sums up our week! It was a busy one, but nothing compared to what lies ahead next week. Corben will finally learn what it means to be the child of a dance teacher. It is recital week and we will be spending a great deal of time at the high school for rehearsals, dress rehearsals and finally recital! Most of our practices are during the day when my parents are at work (he usually goes to their house when I teach), so Corben will be tagging along with Mommy! I am not anticipating any issues with my happy little man. Plus, there will be plenty of hands willing to give him a snuggle when I need to be giving my attention to the girls!

Here are a few cute pictures from the week :)

Friday, May 20, 2011

Visit from Grandma

Grandma came to visit from Prescott yesterday and spent the night:) Corben was all smiles and full of things to tell his grandma. The last time she saw him, he was just 10 days old. My how much he has changed since then!

Here are a couple of cute pictures from yesterday/today's visit :)

We are already looking forward to the next visit!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Three months!

Mr. Man is 3 months old today! Here is his picture in the chair :) He looks so much longer to me now.....not QUITE as chunky monkey. He is such a big boy.

Today was also Corben's first time to church. He did so great :) He fell asleep in my arms and was a perfect angel. So glad to have the first time out of the way.... I was very nervous about him being a distraction. I am sure it won't always be that easy, but hey, it was an AWESOME first time!

I just love this little romper.....the baseball mitt right on the bum just melts my heart!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Take your Corben to work day

For the past two Mondays, I have taken Corben to dance with me. I had to go to the studio for just one hour to help out with a dance, so instead of dropping him off with my dad (where he is for my big 4 hour dance nights) I decided to take him with me.

I don't know what I did to deserve such a good baby but he was awesome! I brought his little play gym for him to lie on, so that plus the music and girls moving all around, he LOVED his dance days!

Here he is on the first Monday...such a sweetie

This was this past Monday with his buddy, Lexie :)

How cute is his onesie?!?! Aunt Kelsey had it made for him.

All in all, having Corben at dance with me is the best of both worlds. I get to have my favorite little man with me doing my most favorite thing. Plus, I don't think he minds all of the attention from the girls :)

The other latest development with Mr. C is that he decided to hold his own bottle yesterday morning! I know for some people, this is exciting because it makes things convenient for them because they can just hand baby the bottle, but for me, this is just exciting because he is developing his motor skills. I am selfish and LOVE our feeding/snuggle time, so even if he is holding his own bottle, I will still be holding him.....but I was very proud of his new skill :)

Notice the behind the bottle smile? So sweet!!!!!

As for a tooth update, the little white spots on his gums are definitely becoming bigger and the whole bottom gum is swollen, so those little teeth should be popping through any time now......but not yet! In the mean time, we are loving our tylenol, frozen washcloths, and of course, Bunny :)

Here he is with Bunny. In this picture he is using the paci that Bunny holds in his hand, but most of the time, he just chews on Bunny's arms and legs :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

First Mother's Day

Last year on Mother's Day, my dad made a comment to the effect of, "Next year Lindsay will get to celebrate this day!" Well, I wasn't pregnant and I was hoping that what he said would come true. Well, here we are a year later and I just celebrated my first mother's day :)

Yesterday I was treated to an entire day at the Dolce Spa. I got EVERYTHING done! Massage, facial, pedicure, hair, make-up, and lunch. What a day!

This morning, Steve and I made breakfast together which he cleaned up! Woo hoo! Then he gave me this beautiful necklace with Corben's birthstone, an amethyst :)So special, and yes, I totally cried!

Corben had some good tummy time on the Boppy pillow, which is a gift in itself because I was having such a hard time getting him to like tummy time. So this face while on his tummy makes me VERY happy!

We went to my parents' house in the afternoon to hang out and then my grandma took us all out to dinner to celebrate. Here are some pics from their house :)

I feel so incredibly blessed that not only am I a mom this year on Mother's Day, but I have the sweetest angel of a baby boy who blessed me with the title "mom".

Friday, May 6, 2011


Well this evening Corben and I were having quite the giggle party so I brought out the Flip camera to try to record some of it. He got camera shy though, so I didn't get the good giggles on camera :( Regardless, here is a little video montage I put together of a few of his sweet little sounds :)

Playing Ball

I was recording Corben giggling tonight (video to come) on my Flip and found this video from Aunt Kelsey's house when Corben was 12 days old!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Could it be???

Could Corben already be starting to teeth????

For the past few days, we have had an unusually fussy baby on our hands. That coupled with: a ton of drool and constantly pulling anything and everything to his mouth.....I think we are in the first stages of getting those little teeth! Yikes!

It's just a matter of time until this happy baby has teeth in this smile!

Other than the teeth, the other big news for our big guy is that he is no longer being swaddled with his arms in!!! The swaddling was becoming a major concern for me. Not only because I was worried that we wouldn't be able to break him of it, but he is outgrowing the receiving blankets!He was never a fan of the special swaddle sacks, so he took a MAJOR liking to the receiving blanket. The tighter the better!!!

Well after seeing him break out of his blanket just to get his arms out enough times, we decided to try to swaddle him with his arms out. BINGO! It worked. He apparently has the swaddle feel around his chest, but sleeps with his arms wide out to his sides.

This makes me SOOOOOOOOOOO happy because we have progress! Now I am starting to believe that I'm not going to have to swaddle my teenager with a sheet so he can sleep. WHEW!

Other than that, everything is pretty much the same. Mr. C sleeps from about 8:30-5:30/6. Then we snuggle in bed until it's time for his first bottle at 7am. He wakes up from the night happy and smiling. In fact, he can't get enough of the smiling! When I lay him down for a nap he likes to just stare and smile at me. It takes every fiber of my being to resist just picking him up and kissing him!!!

This was him watching TV the other day. Such a little stud!