Tuesday, August 30, 2011

It's been awhile

Wow, the life of this tall family has been crazy busy lately! We were just looking at the calendar and realize that we are booked solid until mid-October. Wow. No wonder they say time flies.

Well Corben has been on a couple of trips lately. One to California with just me (yes, I drove him all by myself...he was perfect!) and another up to Prescott to visit Grandma and Grandpa Gross. It's unbelievable to me how relaxed and easily adaptable he is. He slept his full 12 hour nights, took his normal naps, ate his normal meals, and played like his normal, happy, silly self!

Here he is with Grandma

And playing with Grandpa!

So what is new in our tall man's life? Well he is still working on crawling. He rocks back and forth on his hands and knees and is starting to shift his legs forward. Then he will flop down on his belly and start again because he has not figured out his arms yet.

He is also eating lots of new foods. I was going to start making my own baby food when I get back from one of my best friend's weddings this coming weeked in Rhode Island, but have realized today that he doesnt need the pureed food anymore. He is mashing up soft things with his gums, so banana, avocado, cooked sweet potatoes, cooked squash, etc, etc, etc are going to be given to him instead of the purees (once I use up what I have). If you haven't noticed, this little man loves his food!

Such a handsome little boy!

Hmmmmm what else? I am still waiting to hear back from the endocrinologist to find out if my left thyroid has taken over the hormone functioning. Praying for good news in that situation! But I feel great and normal. So I am thinking everything is fine.

Like I mentioned before, I am going on a solo mission to Rhode Island this weekend to serve as the Matron of Honor in one of my very best friends, Cassie's, wedding. The wedding is in Newport, Rhode Island on Sunday. I am anxious to leave my little one for the entire weekend, but Steve is looking forward to a daddy/son weekend. I know they will do just fine, and I am looking forward to a little "me" time.

Cassie and I at my bridal shower!

In other VERY good news, my other best friend, Kelsey, and her husband, Steve, just recently found out that they are expecting their first baby on February 29, 2012. I am convinced it is a girl. I am SOOOOO excited for them. Their little one is so blessed to have them and I know will absolutely love being parents!

Here is Kels with Corben when he was just a couple of weeks old.

And this is her husband, Steve, trying to figure out how possible "multi-tasking" is with a baby! hahahaha

That is about it for now. Hope everyone has a great week!

Oh.....Corben goes back at the the end of September for a cardiac followup. I am sure hoping to be blogging again before then, but just to update you on where we are with that :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

6 months

Lots of things have been going on lately...trip to California, both C and I getting colds, a trip to Prescott to see Grandma and Grandpa, and his 6 month check up. I have not had time to sit down and write about it all, so for now you will get his 6 month stats and photo!

Dr. Grassl could not stop commenting on how solid, strong, and physically advanced Corben is. He is doing everything he should be, even ahead of when he should be doing it.

Here are his stats....
20 lbs 12 oz which puts him in the 95th percentile for weight
28 3/4 inches which put him off the charts in height

....and his chair photo! Notice how this month he is now sitting up on his own :)

I cannot believe he is 6 months old already!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

A few videos from our California Adventure!

Pictures and more details to come, but here are a few videos of Corben's first time in the ocean, first sand, and giggling with his Aunt Kelly :)