Tuesday, January 29, 2013


We arrived in LA on the afternoon of August 14.  We were scheduled for a full morning of pre-op procedures for Hunter and then to bring him back for surgery early the morning of August 16.  We now know he was starting to show signs of his milk protein allergy (more on that later) and was so miserable.  Take the stress of two parents, a state away from their toddler, about to send their 5 week old into open heart surgery, staying at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) , PLUS a baby that screamed pretty much non stop.... yeah.... not our finest moments.

The morning of pre-op fun
The pre-op stuff went just as expected.  He had a blood draw (not fun) an x-ray, an echo, as well as a consult with the surgical nurse practitioners.  We were all finished by lunch time so we headed back to the RMH and went to run a couple of errands then take a drive to the coast for the afternoon.
RMH is amazing for families of kiddos in the hospital.  But, the towels are horrible.  So we went to Target so that I could buy some bright colored soft towels. It was a small thing that I knew would help me relax when I went to shower in the mornings after rounds.

 On the way there, the hospital called.  Hunter's blood showed that he was extremely anemic and they wanted to admit him to the hospital that afternoon and give him a blood transfusion before surgery.
UGH.  Talk about reality smacking you right in the face.  I was ready for surgery TOMORROW. I was not ready to go to the hospital TODAY.  No no no.
But we did as we were told, skipped our coastline exploration and headed back to the RMH so I could gather my things for a couple of days at the hospital and prepare to check my son in.

We got checked in and settled into our room on the CV Acute floor. At first they went to put us in a double room and we asked if they had space if we could have a private.  I had a grumpy 5 week old that was going to be NPO after midnight (not allowed to eat).  It would be better for all if we were alone.  They were able to move us.

Settled in
They had to set an IV for the blood transfusion and Hunter FLIPPED out.  He wouldn't stop screaming.  We tried everything.  Would not stop crying.  Thankfully Steve was in there because I had to leave the room.  I witnessed a lot and stayed strong for a lot, but THAT evening was a little much.  Add in my pre surgery jitters and I was super on edge.  They finally calmed him and into the night we went.

He started getting his transfusion and that was a bit unreal.  Watching a bag of blood being drained into your newborn.  I wanted to unhook him from everything and go home.  I didn't sleep a minute that night.  He was a trooper though.  For not eating the entire night, he was such a good boy.  I got lots of time to hold him.

Early in the morning, we gave Hunter his anti-bacterial bath and got his little surgical robe on.
Then we waited for them to come get our son.......

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