Monday, April 4, 2011

Big boy in his big bed

Last night we decided it was time.... I kept coming up with reasons not to: "He's not sleeping consistently yet" "He's too far away in there" "He's extra fussy today" and finally we realized I was the one not ready.

He has been in or near me every night for the past 11 months. I wasn't ready for him to be in a different room with the door shut. But, being the responsible mommy I am trying to be, I realized that he cannot sleep in the same room as me forever so last night was as good of a time as any.

So at 8 o'clock we started our nighttime routine. He got his bath then I took him upstairs for pj's and his last bottle. I had to call Steve to come upstairs for moral support so he sat with me as I fed our big boy. Bottle was finished, baby was burped, and it was time.

I swaddled him up nice and tight just how he likes and placed him into his crib that seemed oh so big for him. He let his eyes drift off to dream land and that was it! I was expecting it to be just as hard for him as it was for me, but it wasn't.....he was fine.

Now I will say instead of waking up at around 5:30/6, he did wake up to have a bottle at 4 but he went right back down for the rest of the night. I heard every little sound he made on the monitor.....but none of them were "Mommy come get me. I need you!" He was ready for his big boy crib.

I just hope I can do it again tonight!

Here is a picture I took of him when he took his very first nap in the crib. He looks soooooo small!


  1. that's awesome girl! I bet that was hard :) But glad he was able to sleep through most of the night!

  2. If Corben can do it-you can do it! Nice sleep training mama!
