Sunday, April 24, 2011

Corben's First Easter!

Well we were so excited to celebrate this special day for the first time with Corben!

We haven't taken Corben to church yet, so we didn't go to service this morning. I am sure he would have been fine going to church way earlier, but I just wanted to get more comfortable in my ability to keep him calm and to calm him down if he gets fussy. It's not a big deal, I know...I plan to just sit on the aisle and take him out if he gets fussy....but still, I just don't want to be a distraction.

So anyway, instead of going to Easter service, we decided to go out as a family and spend some time with the dogs :) We went up to Youngker High School and had some family track time! When I was pregnant we used to go every weekend, but since having Corben, this was only our second time going.

Steve did his running workout, the dogs ran around like crazy, and I pushed C in his stroller :) Such a nice morning.

After our big morning out, we went home for a nap, had lunch, then got ready for Corben's first big Easter celebration at Gramma and Grandpa's house!

We had such a good time celebrating together as a family. My cousin, Jimmy, his fiance, Amelia, and their 11 month old daughter, Alice, all came over as well. They are moving to New Jersey in a couple of weeks so it was good to see them before they head off.

All in all, it was an awesome day. Even though Corben had no idea what was happening, it was fun to experience Easter with our baby boy.

The best part of the whole day, though, was Corben giggling for the first time! He was lying on my parent's couch just looking around and smiling. My mom, grandma, and I were sitting there as well just chit chatting when we look over at him just at the right time when he smiled and let out a very happy giggle!!!! It was the sweetest sound! I definitely cried. I cannot believe how many more firsts we get to experience with our sweet boy......poor thing better get used to Mommy being a bawl baby!!!

Although I didn't catch the giggle on video, I did take this right after the big event :)

Happy Easter everyone:)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Corben's 2nd Date

On Saturday, we finally got to meet Justin and Deb's adorable 6 month old baby girl, Callie. Corben was very excited for his 2nd date. 2 dates in one week.....that's off to a good start! Ha!
Callie wasn't that interested in playing with Corben....just her feet :)

The stare down.....Corben was showing off by lifting his head up higher than he ever has before! I LOVE his face here.....gimme that girl!!! His first time in grass :) Loved it! Deb and I feeding the babies! Saturday nights just aren't the same anymore. Now we feed babies and discuss how often our babies poop......oh how times change! haha

2 months!

This big, happy boy is now 2 months old!
And of course, working on perfecting his "Blue Steel" face!

Friday, April 15, 2011

two month check-up

This morning we had Corben's 2 month check up at the doctor. He looked so cute in his little outfit :) At his two week appointment, he was 21.5 inches long. Now he is 24.5! That's a 3 inch growth!!! The nurse even came back in to re-measure him because she thought that she had surely done it wrong. She couldn't believe the amount he grew in 6 weeks. He is now in the 90th percentile for height.
He weighs 13lbs 15oz now. That puts him in the 85th percentile for weight. Dr. Grassl said that she thinks he is definitely growing into his genetic potential! Haha...what a big boy :)
Dr. Grassl was amazed that he is sleeping so well. Last night, by the way, he had his first 10 hour night. He had his bath and bottle at 8, was asleep by 8:30 and woke up at 6:30 this morning!!! She said everything he is doing is 100% normal and right on track for what he should be doing. It seems as though 4 months is the next big milestone. He should be giggling, having good head control, losing his startle reflex, sleeping without a swaddle, and I can start him on rice cereal then!

After a good conversation about how well he is doing, it was time for the shots :( He got a shot in each leg and also had to be given a vaccine orally. After each shot, he cried the loudest I've ever hear him cry. Ugh so sad. At his 4 month check up, we get to do them all again!

This is him right now, snoozing away. You can't see his legs, but he has little bunny band-aids on sweet.

Today we are just going to rest and relax from his big morning at the doctor. Whew.....I need a nap!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Corben's first date

Today Corben had his first date! My friend, Alyson, had her 3rd beautiful baby just 12 days BEFORE Corben was born. Yes, you read that right....this precious little girl is almost 2 weeks older than my beastly big boy! Corben sure knows how to work the camera! Miss Grayce leaning into her new boyfriend :) She was making all the first moves....look at the hand hold attempt! Happy Babies!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Corben Loves Puppies

Yesterday we took Corben to see Kelsey's cousin's litter of Golden Retriever puppies! Well...ok....I'll be honest, this trip had nothing to do with Corben taking cute picures with puppies! This was all about ME!
I told Steve that for Christmas all I wanted was for him to arrange for me to go play with a litter of Golden puppies! My love for them plus my soon to be mommy-hood led to that being my ONLY Christmas wish. Yesterday, I finally got my wish!
These puppies were born 9 days after Corben. This was her first litter. 13 puppies. All survived. One busy momma! Ha

I was so happy!

Puppies everywhere!!!

Corben and mommy loved our puppy day!!!

How cute is his hat that my mom got him???? We really did have such a fun day!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Daddy Time

This morning Steve took over baby care so that I could have uninterrupted time to get ready. After the week I had, it was so nice to be able to relax and get ready for the day.

So Corben and Daddy had their morning together! Steve fed him and then took him downstairs for some play/smiling time (when you are 7.5 weeks old, smiling time is very much an activity!).

It totally warmed my heart to hear Steve talking to his son and hear Corben "reply" with his coos and gurgles. All the while, Corben was wearing his "I love my dad" onesie!

So cute and made a great start to my day!


Well last night as I brought Corben back into our room to sleep in his pack and play, (by the way, he slept for 7 hours straight last night, had a bottle and then went back down for 3 more hours!) I was reflecting on the week and feeling bad for trying to make him do something he wasn't ready for. His whole week was messed up and he was miserable. So that plus lack of sleep, I was pretty emotional.

As I was getting ready for bed, I got this email. EXACTLY what I needed to read before bed last night :) Thanks Jeanne for sending it!

A Newborn ' s Conversation with God
A baby asked God, "They tell me you are sending me to earth tomorrow, but how am I going to live there being so small and helpless?" God said, "Your angel will be waiting for you and will take care of you."
The child further inquired, "But tell me, here in heaven I don't have to do anything but sing and smile to be happy." God said, "Your angel will sing for you and will also smile for you. And you will feel your angel's love and be very happy."
Again the small child asked, "And how am I going to be able to understand when people talk to me if I don't know the language?" God said, "Your angel will tell you the most beautiful and sweet words you will ever hear, and with much patience and care, your angel will teach you how to speak."
"And what am I going to do when I want to talk to you?" God said, "Your angel will place your hands together and will teach you how to pray."
"Who will protect me?" God said, "Your angel will defend you even if it means risking its life."
"But I will always be sad because I will not see you anymore." God said, "Your angel will always talk to you about Me and will teach you the way to come back to Me, even though I will always be next to you."
At that moment there was much peace in Heaven, but voices from Earth could be heard and the child hurriedly asked, "God, if I am to leave now, please tell me my angel's name." God said, You will simply call her, "Mom." My angel :)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Update on big boy bed

Well the first night was NOT indicative of how Corben felt about his crib. Clearly from how this week has gone, he was not ready.

Prior to deciding to try him in his room, Corben had been sleeping through the night for over a week. For us that was going to sleep at about 9 after his bath and bottle and not waking up again until about 5:30/6. He would then get another bottle and go right back to sleep til 9.

Well this week he was impossible to put down to sleep in the first place, then he started waking up at midnight crying, then crying every 30-45 minutes after that. At first his nights were just wacky but by yesterday and today, his perfect little day routine was completely thrown off as well.

To me, this says he isn't ready to not sleep in the same room as me. Him sleeping in his crib at 7 weeks is NOT more important to me than him sleeping through the night.

So I decided to throw in the towel and keep him in the pack and play in our room for now. Tonight, after his bath and bottle, he went right down to sleep. As I type this, he is snoozing away just a few feet from me.

I'm not expecting a miracle tonight. In fact, I'm preparing myself to be up several times. But I think it was the right decision to do this and get him back to sleeping his long nights.

We go to the pediatrician next Friday for his 2 month appointment. I am planning on getting her opinion on all of this!

Whew.....this week has been exhausting. Hardest week yet since he's been born :-/ But at least I am confident he will get back to sleeping well soon. I'm just hoping I'm not prolonging this hard transition.

No picture in this post....typing for the first time from my phone and I'm too brain dead to figure out how :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Big boy in his big bed

Last night we decided it was time.... I kept coming up with reasons not to: "He's not sleeping consistently yet" "He's too far away in there" "He's extra fussy today" and finally we realized I was the one not ready.

He has been in or near me every night for the past 11 months. I wasn't ready for him to be in a different room with the door shut. But, being the responsible mommy I am trying to be, I realized that he cannot sleep in the same room as me forever so last night was as good of a time as any.

So at 8 o'clock we started our nighttime routine. He got his bath then I took him upstairs for pj's and his last bottle. I had to call Steve to come upstairs for moral support so he sat with me as I fed our big boy. Bottle was finished, baby was burped, and it was time.

I swaddled him up nice and tight just how he likes and placed him into his crib that seemed oh so big for him. He let his eyes drift off to dream land and that was it! I was expecting it to be just as hard for him as it was for me, but it wasn't.....he was fine.

Now I will say instead of waking up at around 5:30/6, he did wake up to have a bottle at 4 but he went right back down for the rest of the night. I heard every little sound he made on the monitor.....but none of them were "Mommy come get me. I need you!" He was ready for his big boy crib.

I just hope I can do it again tonight!

Here is a picture I took of him when he took his very first nap in the crib. He looks soooooo small!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

One month Picture

So a friend of mine nannies for two baby boys and every month on their "birthday" she puts them in the same chair and does a little photo shoot. Such a great idea to see how much they grow, so I am stealing the idea. Here is the picture when Corben turned one month old!

What makes Corben smile?

This week was an exciting week because Corben started "socially smiling". He had sleepy smiles and gassy smiles before, but for him to just look at you and show off that big toothless grin was very rare.

But on Tuesday that all changed. After his morning bottle, we always wipe up, put on our lotion, and get dressed for the day. Before Tuesday I would try everything to get him to smile for me. I would sing songs, make funny faces, change the pitch of my voice...he just wasn't having it.

That morning though, he decided he was ready. I got that big, happy, crooked smile. Finally! It was the best thing ever. So now every morning we have our smiling time. He smiles at the fan, the kitties, my voice, everything.

But one phrase seems to really get him. This one phrase is sure to turn his frown upside down. The phrase you ask??? "Did you make poopies in your pants?" In a very sing songy voice of course! He loves it! Typical boy :)

6 weeks and 5 days ago.......

Corben James Gross made his big debut! After an extremely easy labor and delivery, this 7 lb 4 oz, 20.5 inch perfect baby boy was lying on my chest. The flood of emotions and joy I felt when Dr. Hunt said "It's a boy!" was exactly the moment I had always imagined and made waiting to find out the baby's sex SO worth it! From the moment I saw Corben, I knew our lives were forever changed in the absolute best way! I plan on updating this blog with all of the happenings of Corben's life. He has already changed so much in the past 7 weeks. He is on a perfect routine, eats well, sleeps awesome, and grows like a weed! Everyone tells you "They grow so fast." But until you experience a little baby growing before your eyes, you have no idea how fast they really do grow! Corben has blessed our lives more than we could have ever imagined and we hope that with this blog, you will be able to experience some of the joy of our new life as well :)