Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Health updates

Lots to report as far as health for the Gross family.

Most importantly, Corben had his 3 month cardiac check up last Friday. We received GREAT news.

The mild enlargement of his aorta(cause by the valve defect) has stayed the same. We were praying for everything to be the same so we know we aren't on a "worsening" path. But even better, the small amount of leakage that he was having back in June is no longer happening. Probably due to his heart and chambers growing.

Like I said, we were praying for everything to have stayed the same, so to have something get better was just an absolute blessing!

Corben caught a virus about a week and a half ago. The little man actually got pretty sick. It caused some pretty bad wheezing and Dr. Grassl set him up with albuterol breathing treatments to open up his airways so that all the gunk can get out. He fought me at the doctor's office for the first treatment. He was ripping the thing off of his face and pretty wild. But at home, he just sits like a good boy and calmly takes his treatment :)

He just looks so sweet in this picture, even though it is kinda sad!

I am still doing them on him but he is feeling MUCH better.

Onto me and my thyroid......

When I had the right side of my thyroid taken out, my surgeon told me that only the "unlucky" ones end up needing to take a thyroid hormone replacement because the half that is left is expected to take over the functioning. Well, I am one of the unlucky ones.

Starting about a month and a half ago, I started feeling pretty bad. (which is a main reason why I have been lacking in the blogging department!) But there was always something that could have been the reason : allergies, Corben up all night because of teething, chasing after a crawling infant, whirlwind trip to the east coast, etc etc etc. So I just kept making excuses and thinking this was just how a mom felt.

Finally a few weeks ago I realized that this wasn't right. The hypothyroidism was blocking my body's ability to absorb iron and I was getting these huge, alarming bruises for no reason. I was dizzy, exhausted, naps and massive amounts of caffeine did absolutely nothing. It was bad news.

I went in to my endocrinologist and she got me set up on taking Synthroid. The first week I was taking half doses to build it up in my system, the second week Corben was sick with his virus which was exhausting for this mama, and this is now the third week and I am actually starting to feel "normal"again. It is amazing how different you can feel with just one simple pill!

Anyway, that is all the news from the Gross family health department. Hopefully we don't have anything to report for awhile :)

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